Watergum is thrilled to present FrogID: informing frog research and conservation through citizen science.
Seize this rare opportunity to hear from the experts; everything you need to know about local frog species and also how you can contribute to frog species monitoring through citizen science, using the addictive FrogID app.
This is an online event, spaces are limited so don’t forget to register! The presentation link will be emailed to you after registration, prior to the event.
Frogs play an important role in our environment and provide an indicator of environmental health. Sadly, frogs are one of the most threatened groups of animals on earth and there is a very real threat that drought, fire and habitat modification are pushing many frog species even closer to the brink of extinction. To help save them, we need the help of the community. By using the FrogID app to record frog calls, Australians can put more frogs on the map and help inform their conservation.
This presentation will share our current understanding of Australia’s frogs through FrogID data, what frog species we are monitoring near you and how to get involved.
Presenter: Gracie Liu | PhD Candidate and FrogID Validator at Australian Museum | Staff profile: https://australian.museum/learn/collections/natural-science/herpetology/herpetology-staff-fellows-and-associates/gracie-liu/
For any questions about the FrogID app, please contact: Nadiah Roslan | Project Coordinator: FrogID | [email protected]