Restoration, revegetation and research projects

Watergum works with partners, stakeholder and other environmental organisation in the delivery of restoration, revegetation and research projects that benefit the environment. Read about all of projects, past and present, below.

Source Protection

Nerang River Catchment Source Protection

A Watergum restoration project in partnership with Seqwater. This project – Nerang River Catchment Source Protection – aims to protect and improve the water quality of one of South East Queensland’s most important waterways by collaboratively working with landholders. The catchment waterways are, in places, impacted by agricultural activity, earthworks, landslips, and natural disasters. By adopting best practice land management, landholders help to minimise the flow of sediment, nutrients, and pathogens into the river system.

The purpose of this project is to target these high-risk points for remediation and improve source water protection and management. Implemented restoration works include invasive flora species control, with a focus on Madeira Vine, fencing, earthworks stabilisation, and native flora planting.

Location: Nerang River Catchment, QLD
Timeframe: June 2021 – June 2026
Budget: $2,193,600
Project Collaborators: Seqwater

Nerang River Catchment Environmental Recovery Program

As a result of the severe impacts of significant flooding events in 2021-2022, the Environmental Recovery Program was activated jointly by the Queensland Government and the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). 

The aim of this program is to help support the rehabilitation and restoration of flood affected environments. Through this program, Watergum, in partnership with Seqwater, are focusing on two properties in Numinbah Valley to help maintain healthy ecosystems, environmental values, and improve resilience for future disaster events. The focus of both these projects is to create riparian buffer zones to help stabilise the Nerang River through planting native trees and excluding livestock in the river.  

Location: Nerang River Catchment, QLD
Timeframe: June 2023 – June 2024
Budget: $114,000
Project Collaborators: Seqwater, Queensland Government – Department of Environment and Science

Restoration and revegetation

Urban fringe community driven Koala conservation

This project aims to improve the extent, quality and connectivity of the nationally listed Koala’s habitat and reduce local threats by providing environmental restoration on private properties, helping to reduce weed species including weeds of national significance, support and create wildlife corridors for Koalas, provides community education and resourcing, koala carer support (feed trees as well as release site maintenance) and will establish baseline health data on the urban edge koala population.

Urbanisation, drought, bushfires and an ever-expanding urban footprint has allowed Gold Coast and Scenic Rim edge koala populations to be under intense pressure. Koala habitat is scarce, hence why creating and maintaining suitable koala corridors and highways is more important than ever. This, in conjunction with koala feed trees and release site maintenance will also support wildlife carers in being able to successfully rehabilitate and release koalas back into the wild.

Location: Scenic Rim Region, QLD
Timeframe: September 2023 – April 2025
Budget: $199,600
Project Collaborators: Australian Government – Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Scenic Rim Regional Council

Scenic Rim community Koala conservation

This project aims to improve the extent, quality and connectivity of the nationally listed Koala’s habitat and reduce local threats by providing environmental restoration on private properties, helping to reduce weed species including weeds of national significance and support and create wildlife corridors for Koalas. Weed management works are necessary in the Scenic Rim region as large areas of tree canopies were damaged or destroyed during the most recent wildfires, many

Koala habitat species were directly impacted as a result. Significant weed invasion of bushland areas in the Scenic Rim is a major threat to Koala populations, health, and habitat. Data and knowledge of Koala populations across their range will be improved through monitoring and surveying works to support effective decision making and conservation action.

Location: Scenic Rim Region, QLD
Timeframe: February 2023 – December 2024
Budget: $194,871
Project Collaborators: Australian Government – Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Scenic Rim Regional Council, Scenic Rim Regional Council

Toogoolawah habitat planting and nestbox monitoring

In this project, Watergum and students of Toogoolawa School Ormeau will plant native trees along Canungra Creek to help stabilise and support the riverbank. Wildlife nest boxes will be installed in trees on the property, to help educate students on why they are important, what they may attract and what trees are suitable. Monitor cameras will allow students to experience and learn about scientific research in the environmental industry. The cameras provide a non-intrusive method to peek inside nest boxes.

Location: Canungra, QLD
Timeframe: June 2023 – June 2024
Budget: $17,830
Project Collaborators: Queensland Government – Engaging Science Grants, Toogoolawa School Ormeau


Water quality monitoring Coomera River

This project is aimed at sampling the water quality in the Coomera River as part of the South East Queensland Catchment Loads Monitoring Program (SEQCLMP) and Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program.

The data from these samples is used to validate and calibrate source catchment models to help assess river catchment health, and progress towards Reef Water Quality Improvement Plan targets.

Location: Coomera River, QLD
Timeframe: June 2023 – June 2024
Budget: $6,000
Project Collaborators: Queensland Government – Department of Environment and Science

Invasive species control

Cats Claw Creeper biocontrol program

Cats Claw Creeper is an aggressive, climbing invasive vine that threatens many natural areas in the Gold Coast region. There are a number of control options available, one of them being the Leaf-mining Jewel Beetle (Hylaeogena jureceki).

Watergum has set up a Jewel Beetle breeding facility based in Nerang to help make an impact on invasive weed. The facility consists of one large tent which houses 8 individual breeding tents, as well as one greenhouse which houses cats claw plants. During the breeding season (September – April) Watergum harvests and distributes Jewel Beetles across SEQ.

For beetle order enquiries please contact [email protected].

Location: Nerang, QLD
Timeframe: Ongoing
Budget: $3,000
Project Collaborators: Cr Peter Young (Division 5), Healthy Land & Water


Turtle light pollution project

Reducing the Gold Coast Glow is a project that aims to mitigate the amount of artificial light along our coastlines emitted by Gold Coast businesses and residents in an effort to improve nesting habitats for threatened migrating species such as the Eastern Curlew and Green Sea Turtle. The program will reduce the glow by hosting information stalls to raise community awareness and engage local residents, create pathways for beachfront businesses to gain access to affordable wildlife-friendly lighting, and to plant and restore dunes for threatened species to improve nesting habitat and create natural light buffers.

Location: Gold Coast, QLD
Timeframe: June 2023 – March 2024
Budget: $46,403
Project Collaborators: Australian Government – Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Member projects sponsored by Watergum

Subtropical lowland rainforest restoration

A member group project by Austinville Valley Landcare, sponsored by Watergum. Regeneration works to restore one of the last remaining degraded areas in the Austinville rainforest catchment. Restore important habitat for the 12 threatened flora species and 5 threatened fauna species, and others, that live in the area.

Location: Gold Coast, QLD
Timeframe: July 2023 – May 2024
Budget: $20,000
Project Collaborators: Queensland Government – Department of Environment and Science

Citizen science in Nerang National Park

A project by Friends of Nerang National Park. This project aims to engage community volunteers to undertake nocturnal fauna surveys, guided walks and nest box monitoring events intended to raise the awareness of biodiversity and cultural values of the Nerang National Park.

Location: Nerang, QLD
Timeframe: June 2022 – December 2025
Budget: $20,000
Project Collaborators: Queensland Government – Department of Environment and Science

Tallebudgera Creek habitat restoration

Threatened shorebirds Gold Coast

A project by member group Friends of Tallebudgera Conservation Area. This project aims to restore an overrun section of coastal national park by recruiting volunteers, contractors, and community members to remove weeds, map flora and fauna, regularly remove rubbish and garden waste dumping, and actively allow the regeneration of native plants. In liaising with the Kombumerri Rangers, this project aims to positively impact on community engagement, education, and the environment (including increasing the survival rate of the native seed bank)

Location: Tallebudgera, QLD
Timeframe: June 2022 – January 2025
Budget: $20,000
Project Collaborators: Queensland Government – Department of Environment and Science

This project aims to initiate a public education program for Curlew Island to protect its colony of EasternCurlews, Bar-tailed Godwits and other Waders. The project will also carry out a shorebird monitoringprogram of known shorebird sites in the Gold Coast Broadwater and undertake waste collection onCurlew Island.

Location: Curlew Island, QLD
Timeframe: March 2023 – June 2025
Budget: $18,753
Project Collaborators: Gold Coast Shorebirds, Queensland Government – Department of Environment and Science, Healthy Land & Water

Completed projects

  • Scenic Rim Fodder Farm
    Scenic Rim Regional Coucil
  • Signage on Curlew Island
    QLD Goverment Department of Environment & Science, Healthy Land and Water, GC Shorebirds
  • Coomera River Water Quality
    QLD Goverment Department of Environment & Science
  • Scenic Rim Fodder Farm
    Scenic Rim Regional Coucil
  • Glider Conservation and Habitat Restoration
  • Coombabah Wetlands Habitat Restoration Stage I
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Coombabah Wetlands Habitat Restoration Stage II
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Shorebird Habitat Restoration Curlew Island
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Southern Pink Underwing Moth Habitat Restoration
    QLD Goverment Chief Scientist
  • Koala Conservation through Drone thermal imagery
    Noosa & District Landcare
  • Austinville Landcare – Austinville Subtropical Lowland Rainforest Restoration
    QLD Goverment Department of Environment & Science
  • Koalas on the Green – Hollow homes in Arundal
    City of Gold Coast Division 7
  • Quoll Society of Australia – Quoll Girraween Distribution Research
    QLD Goverment Department of Environment & Science
  • Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Program Management
    Landcare Australia & National Landcare Network
  • Southern Pink Undering Moth Bushfire Recovery
    Australian Government
  • Cane Toads response to Bushfire research project
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Feral Deer Community Engagement
    Australian Government Department of Primary Industries and Regions
  • Feral Deer on-ground control in Numinbah Valley
    Australian Government Department of Primary Industries and Regions
  • Koala Conservation through Drone thermal imagery Queensland University of Technology
  • Koala Fodder Farm Nerang
    Landcare Australia
  • Austinville Landcare – Austinville Subtropical Lowland Rainforest Restoration
    QLD Goverment Department of Environment & Science
  • Friends of Nerang National Park – Nerang National Park Habitat Restoration
    QLD Goverment Department of Environment & Science
  • Numinvah Valley Environmental Education Centre P&C Bushfire recovery in Numinbah Valley – Landcare Australia
  • Numinvah Valley Environmental Education Centre P&C
    Bushfire recovery hollow homes – WIRES
  • Friends of Tallebudgera Creek Conservation Area – Habitat Restoration along Tallebudgera Creek
    QLD Goverment Department of Environment & Science
  • Nerang River Keepers – Nerang River Restoration
    QLD Gambling Benefit Fund
  • Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Program Management SEQ
    Queensland Water and Land Carers
  • Restoration of Shorebird Habitat on Curlew Island and Brown Island
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Upper Cave Creek Restoration Project
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Springbrook National Park Restoration Project
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Back Creek Restoration Project
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Friends of Burleigh Heads National Park – Burleigh Heads National Park Restoration
    QLD Gambling Benefit Fund
  • Austinville Landcare – Austinville Subtropical Lowland Rainforest Restoration
    QLD Goverment Department of Environment & Science
  • Nerang River Keepers – Crane Creek Restoration Program
    City of Gold Coast
  • WildMob – Youth Ambassador Program
    City of Gold Coast
  • Tacklebin – Tacklebin Expansion
    City of Gold Coast
  • Southern Pink Undering Moth Bushfire Recovery
    Australian Government
  • Koala Fodder Farm
    Landcare Australia
  • Gold Coast Migratory Shorebird Research Project
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Austinville Road Project Project
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Stewart Farm Demonstration Project
    Healthy Land and Water
  • Nerang River Keepers – New tools for Nerang River Restoration
    QLD Gambling Benefit Fund