Citizen science

Citizen science is the collection and analysis of data relating to the natural world by members of the general public, typically as part of a collaborative project with professional scientists.

We educate and engage our community to be a part of meaningful conservation. Through these programs, we increase our knowledge of Platypus, protect threatened Sea Turtles, safeguard our waterways and remove invasive species.


TurtleWatch GC is assists in the identification, protection and monitoring of Sea Turtle nesting activity on the Gold Coast.

Water Monitoring

We undertake water quality monitoring and water bug surveys at sites across the Gold Coast. These surveys contribute to our understanding of waterway health and provide an early warning system for changes.


PlatypusWatch engages the community to survey Platypus populations on the Gold Coast, uncovering critical knowledge about their distribution and behaviour.

Cane Toad Challenge

The cane toad is one of Australia’s worst invasive species, impacting our wildlife, pets and agriculture. Learn how to effectively and humanely control this pest in your local area.

Dugong Sightings GC

Dugong Sightings GC work with citizen scientists to record dugong sightings in Gold Coast waters. This will support efforts to create a better understanding of of population distribution.

You can help us undertake vital works when and where it is needed most: in the field.