Welcome to the Watergum Community

Thanks for signing up for our emails and joining our community!

We are working to restore Australian landscapes to places of beauty, clean water and native habitat that will support our community and wildlife for generations to come.

Here are some other ways you can get involved with our work.


Visit our webshop

Did you know we produce and sell a world first Cane Toad Tadpole Trap and Lure? These lures are made in house by our team. By buying from our online store, you are not only making a difference to the environment but also supporting our staff.


Your generous donation will make a difference where it matters – in the field. Help us restore Australian landscapes to places of beauty, clean water and native habitat that will support our community and wildlife for generations to come.


Join our community of volunteers, who generously give their time and effort to our cause. From assisting our team with wildlife surveys and engagement events, to behind the scenes work in the office, we couldn’t do it without you.

Partner with us

From sponsorships, in kind support and corporate giving – our partners drive our success. See how your organisation can partner with Watergum to make a real difference.

Scenic Rim Koala Ecological and Community project (Round 1)

Join an event

There’s always something on at Watergum! From waterbug surveys to community festivals, come along to one of our free events and you’ll understand what we are about – being a part of something real. Check our calendar to see what’s coming up.

Scenic Rim Koala Ecological and Community project (Round 1)

Work with us

Looking for a way to kickstart your career in the environmental field? Want to gain an understanding of the not for profit sector? We offer work experience placements for those who want to make a difference.

Watergum Community Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity based on the Gold Coast, QLD. We help the community engage in real, on-ground work to restore, maintain and protect the natural environment.