Cane Toad Control in Tweed Shire

Tweed shire Cane Toad Control Cane toads (Rhinella marina) are an invasive species in Australia that impact our wildlife, domestic pets and eat beneficial insects, which can impact local agriculture and ecosystems. Watergum is partnering with Tweed Shire Council to...

Community Planting Tweed Shire 

Tweed shire Community Planting Urban green spaces are vital for biodiversity, community wellbeing, and resilience to climate change, yet they are increasingly under pressure from urbanisation and habitat loss.   Through this project, Watergum is engaging local...
Establishing a Koala Disease Profile for the Gold Coast

Establishing a Koala Disease Profile for the Gold Coast

Gold coast Establishing a Koala Disease Profile The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is one of Australia’s most iconic animals, but they are under threat from disease, land use change and human impacts. The Koala is listed as endangered in Queensland under...